Eating Disorders And How To Treat Them




Eating Disorders And How To Treat Them

By Robert Thatcher


I wont eat cause i have anorexia

Many people are having problems with their weight. These weight problems are the results of a person's eating habits. In the United States, there are about 50 million of Americans who enroll in weight loss programs. However, there are also people who wishes that they would have a lesser weight and resulted to suffering from eating disorders.

Eating disorders may be categorized as a psychiatric problem. Although many experts say that obesity is not truly a psychiatric problem, they consider that the state of being obese is also a form of eating disorders. Some people who are trying to lose weight may lead to the improper obsession of thinking of a person that his dieting becomes abnormal.

Another form of eating disorder is the anorexia nervosa. This form of eating disorder may happen to those people who may have a normal or a little above the average weight. These people think that their body is always overweight. This illness may begin to those who that have continuous diet regimens and eventually led to restraining the person's balanced eating.

Anorexia nervosa can be identified to most women that are teenagers and are in their early adult stages. Although it is not common to males and to older adults, it can also occur to these types of people. The known classic dieters do not eat any food in a day which lead them to starvation. The self-starvation of a person is the point where he suppresses hunger sensations, which may lead an individual to become skeletal in appearance. These individuals are considered anorexic by type because they suffer from phobia on gaining weight.

Nothing but an illusion Bulimia can be truly associated to many dieters especially to those individuals aged 17 to 25 years old. The process of bingeing and purging of most bulimics can make an individual addicted on what he has started in his diet regimen. Most of the time a person can no longer control the binge and spurge cycle that and led a person to be underweight and or even obese. However, most bulimics appear to be normal and have a normal body weight. Most of the time, the process in which they do their dieting is kept to themselves because most bulimics are shameful of their activities of bingeing and purging.

There are side effects an individual may suffer from for being bulimic especially for women that are actively in this process of dieting. An irregular menstrual cycle may occur to some women and the decrease of sexual interest may be experienced. Most bulimics have disturbing behavior on whatever things they would like to do. There are instances where bulimics have tendencies to be drug addicts and alcoholic. Some of which have records of shoplifting and other cases that are associated in such acts.

There are some different approaches on how to treat these forms of disorders. These ways may help bring back the proper eating and correct way to have a balanced diet. A well-known stage for bulimics could return the right eating pattern by not practicing the activity of bingeing and purging. They are able to control the incorrect dieting behavior on the diet regimen.

A consultative approach that would be advisable to those bulimics and anorexic is the therapy program. Many of the patients have been found to cooperate well and let themselves to be educated in psycho educational programs that will give them the information on the illness.




Eating Disorders Are An Unsafe Way To Be Thin

 Anorexia a mental illness

Anorexia and bulimia, these two disorders have similar characteristics so they can be hard to set apart from each other. A person will have a unclear image of his or her body with both and the person will appear to be fixated with what he or she eats.

Girls tend to be affected more than guys with both anorexia and bulimia. Guys are more likely to concentrate on athletic appearance with an eating disorder. People with anorexia have a strong concern of being overweight. The sufferer barely eats at all when she has anorexia and the little quantity of food that is eaten becomes a fixation. Weighing food before eating it or impulsively counting the calories of food is a symptom of anorexia. Exercising exceptionally in an effort to lose weight is also signs of someone having anorexia. A person with anorexia has a strong longing to be very thin they don't see themselves as thin even though they are losing weight dramatically. They actually see a fat person when they look in the mirror.

People with Bulimia don't avoid eating. They eat a big quantity of food then get rid of it fast by vomiting. This is normally known as "binge and purge" behavior. Bulimia often affect girls more than guys. Someone with bulimia may appear average in size, so it's difficult to detect if they have this disorder based on their appearance alone.

When a young lady goes through puberty, her body changes and it can make anyone feel a bit out of control. People with eating disorders feel as though they can recover a little bit of control by doing unhealthy things to their body. Some people react to this change by becoming very afraid of their new weight and feel forced to get rid of it any way they can. Young woman feel pressure to be like skinny role models and teen celebrities, it's not difficult to see why some teens develop a distorted body image.

Eating disorders might run in families. Our parents influence our beliefs, including those concerning food. There also is a suggestion that there may be a genetic part to having an eating disorders. An eating disorder does much more damage than good. People who weigh at least 15% less than the nGet out of this mental prisonormal weight for their height may not have sufficient body fat to maintain healthy organs. A person with anorexia can do harm to the heart, liver and kidneys by not taking in enough food.

The emotional hurt of an eating disorder can take its toll, too. When a person becomes preoccupied with weight, it's hard to focus on anything else. A lot of times people with eating disorders become withdrawn. Try talking to a teacher, a neighbor, or another trusted adult if you need to someone to talk to about this. An eating disorder is common among teens and there is treatment for you.

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