How To Break Porn Addiction Before It Breaks You





How To Break Porn Addiction Before It Breaks You

By Robert Guida



Many people are starting to have a growing habit of watching porn and as much as it's the case, there are many also trying to learn how to break porn habits. This is mainly because the internet makes it much more available to everyone therefore, it's starting to become a growing concern for many all over the globe. As such, we will explain why a habit of watching porn is so hard to break, why is it so addictive and how to break porn habits.



Porn Is Like A Drug

First and foremost, let's go over why it is so hard to break a habit of watching porn. Now you may think that there is no such thing as a porn addiction simply because there is no substance involved. However, it is in fact even worse than other addictions and here's why.

The second most powerful drive as human beings is reproduction. When you are looking or thinking about any that has to do with sex, your brain releases tons of neurochemicals and endorphins. That being said, you do have substances involved and the only differences is that these are inside you.

When they're released, they give you a very strong drive for sex and it is very addictive. Now these neurochemicals can help a relationship but also break it. If you watch porn, it makes you much more depend on it making it hard for anyone to break porn habits.



What Makes You Addicted To Porn

Secondly, there are many things which makes people wonder how to break porn habits. For instance, you may think that it is the fault of pornography itself that you have these bad habits. However, there is something else that keeps you from going back to it which is masturbation. Masturbation is the number key element that keeps people attached to their porn addiction.

Now before you think that not all porn addicts masturbate, even if they don't now, they probably will later. That is because pornography is simply a window that detaches you from reality and masturbation is what satisfies your sexual hunger. You can break porn habits and still masturbate but doing the opposite is pretty much impossible.

Last but not least, if you definitely want to leave this for good, you need to learn how to break porn habits. The reason is because most people don't have a clue on how to break their habit therefore, they resolve it through their own means. You can't simply try to resist and avoid and expect results. You need to seek for help to learn how to break porn habits.





Are you wanting to stop your porn habits because it is ruining your love life? Are you a religious & dignified person wanting to stop doing to these sinful acts yet cannot find a way to stop? Are you simply wanting to have self-control and not let pornography overtake your life & restraining you from achieving your goals? If you are wanting to quit watching porn for any of those reasons or any other, then there are many things you need to understand first which is what we will outline in this article.




The Effects Of Watching Porn

Now there are a lot of misconceptions that since pornography isn't really 'doing it', you are not involved in any sexual activities. This saying is false and here's why; when a person is exposed to any form of sexual content regardless if it's real or only pictures and videos, to the brain it's all the same.

The brain releases powerful neurochemicals and endorphins that stimulates your sense and give a very strong drive and desire for sex. As such, when people watch porn, they have a strong sexual need which often times, they resolve their need through masturbation.




Why It Can Lead To Dependency

If you are wanting to quit watching porn chances are, it is probably because you have an addiction. Now that we've explained the brain's reaction to pornography, we will explain why it can lead to a strong dependency.

Most of the time, as people are starting to watch pornography to feed their needs, the things which use to satisfy them before becomes less fulfilling. That being said, they start to go to even more hardcore and explicit pornography. Most things that they use to find disgusting in the beginning starts to become more and more welcoming which makes it even harder to quit watching porn.




How It Can Have An Effect On Your Social And Love Life

If you are in this state then you should know that it has a tremendous effect of your perception of women/men as well as your love life. In most cases, once you are use to watching porn especially very explicit materials, you start to develop the wrong idea about women or men and you only see them as an object or a sex toy even though you don't want to see things this way.

As for your love life, most people who have a porn addiction do not feel the need to have intercourse with their mates and rather satisfy their needs with pornography. It is just like any other addiction but this one has a more harmful effect on relationships which is why you should quit watching porn.



I Tried To Quit Watching Porn But I Can't

If this is your case, know that you are far from being the only one. Many people out there are dealing with the same problems and the epidemic is global. Most people also try to quit watching porn by avoiding it and using willpower & some have succeeded as has been some alike cases in smoking also. As much as they try however, willpower and avoidance is just not enough. Porn addiction needs to be treated just like any other addiction and it is just as harmful.



How Can I Quit Watching Porn?

Most try to quit watching porn on their own but just like trying to quit smoking, it never lasts. Trying to resist temptations just doesn't cut it for most people and that is why you need to have the proper method, guide or treatment to leave this habit once and for all.

One thing for sure is that when those porn sites are tempting you with their enticing devices they are not telling you that pornography is really harmful. Yes, indeed, when young men are being tempted for one reason or another by sexually enticing sites or even other forms of pornography they are not consciously aware of the harmful effects of such activities. However, they usually find that out the hard way. If you are one of the victims of porn you need to know how to break the porn addiction before it's too late. If you don't break the porn addiction it will break you.


How can such addiction break you? Well, just consider just a few of the side effects of pornography:

* Depression
* Lack of self-esteem
* Short live relationships or problematic relationships
* Eating disorder
* Nervousness and anxiety
* Sex-related crimes


These are only a few of the devastating effects of pornography, they are more of them, yet this short list is enough to give you an idea of the serious condition you are in when you're addicted to porn and how much you need to break from porn addiction right now.

Addictions in general are a challenge for anyone, but porn addiction comes directly within you, it's triggered from the inside and can be satisfy without any substance that you need to take in your body.

If that wasn't enough, it's also an addiction that can be fed very secretly from without anyone living around you or even with you ever finding out, unlike alcohol or drug addictions. And what is more is that while there is no publicity in the open to make you become an alcoholic or a drug addict the publicity to consume porn is all in the open with sites popping up for no reason on your computer, advertisement, magazines and even prostitution, available at any time of day and night.

These are few of the reasons why this type of addiction can be sneakier than any others, always in front of your eyes in one way or another.

You will more likely be unable to manage how to break porn addiction on your own, but you can break this serious and dangerous habit by getting help which is available to you on online platforms without even going out of your house. You don't need to go see a shrink and go through the shame of telling about your addictive habits to anyone, you can do it from the privacy of your home and get cured maybe even before anyone realized that you were addicted at all.




P.S: The Poison of Porn over the years has corrupted and degenerated the minds of many around the world including the young and old alike, perverting them from their original higher-selves and implanting in them seeds of raw animality. Humans are being of high-intellect and wisdom, superior to other creatures but sadly the sadistic & power-hungry ones have devised many attractive methods to control others like flocks. But with will-power & strong spirit one can overcome such petty manipulations. Avoid and stay away from sources of perversion, be strong, dignified & glorious, and develop in wisdom, invest your time and thought in healthy and good activities…….(HD)



  1. Many people are commencing to have a growing habit of observance porno and the maximum amount as it is the case, there are several additionally making an attempt to find out a way to break porno habits. this is often principally as a result of the web makes it rather more accessible to everybody so, it's commencing to become a growing concern for several everywhere the world.

  2. Many people are commencing to have a growing habit of observance porno and the maximum amount as it is the case, there are several additionally making an attempt to find out a way to break porno habits. this is often principally as a result of the web makes it rather more accessible to everybody so, it's commencing to become a growing concern for several everywhere the world.
