20 Home Weight-Loss Tips



20 Home Weight-Loss Tips

By Peter Limbrick



Losing weight is quite a challenging task if you are at back home all the time but you can get the greatest from it when you try straightforward tricks. Here are some great home weight loss tips that you can try and you should definitely be able to shift some pounds if you put your mind to it. If you can make the tips part of your day to day lifestyle, you will realize your weight loss goals. It is very important that you read the following 20 home weight loss tips and see how you can incorporate them into your daily routine.



20 Home Weight Loss Tips


1. You should in no way skip breakfast. All 3 main meals for the day are valuable and you must never imagine that skipping breakfast does not matter. It is probably the most important meal of the day.


2. Ensure that you have a fruit and veg with all meals that you consume in a day.


3. Try to eat healthier foods first. This will help you feel full so that when you get cravings for snacks, you don�t get tempted.


4. Keep only healthy foods at home. You will save yourself from the unhealthy food cravings when these foods are not available.


5. You must serve your food on a plate and not in a bowl. This will help you eat the recommended food portions only. When you eat less, you would be controlling that weight.


6. Get in the habit of eating together with others as when you eat while watching television, you may well not concentrate on the portions that you take.


7. For the appropriate quantity, you should put the food on plate where you see it while you eat and not from a container.


8. Get into the routine of eating at home. When you dine out most of the time you cannot watch what you eat. If circumstances demand that you eat away from home, you should plan in advance what you would eat.


9. Have a high fiber cereal for breakfast.


10. Produce a plan at least a week in advance to determine what food you will consume. This will help you with the logistics and prevent you from having to make quick last minute decisions.


11. When you urge cravings for unhealthy food, try to disrupt them by doing a meaningful activity, say tidying your household to keep your mind of things.


12. You ought to reward yourself with treats, you need to give yourself a gift every now and again but try to insist on non food gifts. There are so many options you can think of.


13. Try to have healthy snacks, like celery or carrot sticks.


14. Frequently check your weight so that you can see your progress. It is safer to know what you weigh.


15. Arrange for regular workout activities to keep you fit.


16. When you are stressed at work, try to deal with it effectively. Stress can make you have unhealthy foods that will cause you to increase weight.


17. Engage in a regular daily exercise routine. 30 minutes per day is what I advise.


18. Take a stroll for 10 minutes after you eat your lunch. This will help you burn off extra calories.


19. Try to be active in every day situations and you can even save money. You can clean your car at home instead of at the car wash.


20. Vary the workout activities so that they do not become boring. You can try working different muscle groups or try different activities such as swim, dance, or ride a bike.


It can actually be fun trying to lose weight from home. So, try these 20 home weight loss tips and see how it goes.


Water - Helpful Agent in Weight Loss




Water - Helpful Agent in Weight Loss

By Steave Morison



Water in considered to be the most vital element of our body and human body needs water in ample amount for its proper functioning. That is why it is recommended to have 6-8 glasses of water in a day. But there are many people across the globe who doesn't consume a good amount of water after meal. Instead of water they prefer beer, coke and lemonade. The reason behind this is that they don't like the taste of the water. And as a result they face the problem of weight gain and obesity.

But according to many doctors and experienced physicians every person must consume 6-8 glasses of water during his whole day. The most interesting fact about the water is that not only it helps in cleaning the skin but also helps the person in losing his weight. Water is also known for improving the skin tone and appearance of the person.

Water has also got one side benefit. If you are replacing cold drinks with water then you are definitely saving your lot of money. When you go to a restaurant drink a good amount of water instead of cokes and save your wallet and body. It is recommended that a person must take lot of water with lean meats, fruits and vegetables. Try to limit the intake of caffeine and alcohol and try to maintain a good balance in your body.

You will be surprised to know that water can have a direct affect in the general sense of the human, attitude, mood and weight. Yes you heard it right. Water can also help the people in the weight loss. Some of the main reasons behind it are:

- Water doesn't have any amount of calories and it is considered to be cholesterol free and fat free and also there is very low amount of sodium in the water.

- Water acts as the best natural appetite suppressant.

- Water also helps the body in increasing the metabolism and hence burns the stored fat at rapid rate.

Water is also very much important for other body parts also. If the body is having lack of water then kidneys can have enough water as well. As a result, kidneys can function in a proper manner and more load in put on the liver. Ultimately the body metabolism gets affected. So drink plenty of water to keep your body in healthy position.

The Body and the Challenges of Weight Loss



The Body and the Challenges of Weight Loss

By Ellen Valentine




Statistics show that one in every two Americans is overweight. Are you or a loved in the fifty percentile ranks of the overweight American? With the numbers in, you know you're not alone and today, with this article let us take the heat off of the idea that you're an out of control person.That may not let you off the proverbial hook as far as your eating habits for good and long lasting health. Let's shed light on the root causes of the overweight epidemic.

Just as good digestion is the root of good health, poor digestion is the root of illness, into which category obesity and overweight fall. Illness is technically the body-out-of-balance; so, feeling uncomfortable in your body is illness. In the early years of bad digestion, unless a person suffers from acid reflux, it is possible that very few symptoms are experienced; however, there is still stress on the liver, gall bladder, pancreas, small intestine, putrefaction that builds in the large intestine. None of these aforementioned contribute either to good health or to healthy weight as bad digestion impacts detrimentally every organ in the body.

The liver and gallbladder emulsify fats.The liver lies over and almost completely covers the stomach. As the body's largest organ, save the Integumentary system, it has many metabolic and regulatory functions but the digestive role is to produce bile which is not an enzyme. Bile salts emulsify fats which is crucial. As bile accumulates it is stored in the gallbladder, a tiny green walled organ that nestles itself in a shallow at the liver inferior surface, until fats enter the body. If a body is overloaded with sugars, fats, alcohol, fast food and stress, the considerable stress on the liver begins to restrict its ability to perform important functions which help the body digest fats and metabolize sugar.

The tiny gallbladder seems dispensable. Most doctors will take it out for you, and sometimes rightly so because gall stones can travel through ducts and get stuck. Although there's much talk about gall stones, gravel and stones can accumulate in the liver, kidneys and urinary bladder. When you lose your gall bladder you lose a giant in fat emulsification. Only the pain is gone, the root cause, bad digestion is still there. Keep your gall bladder, emulsify those fats.

The pancreas in today's society is a much overworked dynamo of an organ. Eating too many cooked, sugary, junky meals without replenishing the body with raw fruits and vegetables, with all of their juicy minerals and enzymes intact, forces the pancreas to endlessly pump pancreatic enzymes into the duodenum, the first portion of the small intestine.The powerful small organ is the only one that produces enzymes that will break down all categories of food. A sluggish overworked pancreas cannot produce insulin, an important regulator of blood sugar, and it won't do the job of producing pancreatic digestive enzymes.

Ulcers are not uncommon with today's stressors, fast foods and lack of fresh and raw fruits and vegetables. The stomach, another organ which plays a huge role in digestion can become a fermenting dump instead of a healthy spot for protein digestion. All food passes through the stomach from the esophagus via the cardio-esophageal sphincter and into the small intestine via the pyloric sphincter. It is a temporary storage site and place for further food breakdown. It churns and mixes food, produces gastric juices and intrinsic factor for B-12 absorption. Protein breakdown by the stomach depends on the production of hydrochloric acid, HCL by parietal cells which then interact with pepsinogen produced by the chief cells to make pepsin, a necessary step to proper protein digestion.

Production of HCL dwindles around the age of forty, depending on digestive health. A person with truly bad digestion or bad eating habits could have poor HCL production in early years.The small intestine continues the breakdown of all foods, including proteins and carbohydrates.The breakdown of carbohydrates begins in the mouth with salivary amylase and continues in the small intestine with pancreatic amylase. Absorption of nutrients occurs along the many feet of the small intestine by the finger-like projections of the villi and microvilli until the end of the ileum.

All of this being said, once digestion, enzyme production and proper food assimilation decline, food is not digested properly, a body becomes undernourished, systems breakdown, waste accumulates along the walls of the large intestine, and something called leaky gut syndrome caused by candida yeast and parasitic infection is inevitable. Cravings for sugars, fats, alcohol, caffeine and fast food begin to rule the appetite. The entire body suffers and of course the body, out-of-synergy, accumulates unwanted pounds.

The solution, if you feel your body has succumbed to this syndrome and you are concerned with your health and overweight conditions, there is a healthy and happy solution: a mineral-rich diet from organic fruits and vegetables, perhaps digestive enzymes and HCL, eight glasses of pure water every day, minimal and selected protein from soy, spirulina, certain beans, organic chicken, eggs, and salmon from marine approved waters. No deprivation or starving, just better choices. You will let go of sodas, fast food, red meats, white sugar, white flour, white bread, dairy and alcohol. Let your body rest, exercise, cleanse and replenish and the weight will literally fall off. Make this not simply a week or month long diet, make this commitment a new way of life and live in the body of your desires.